alogging.logger module


Log the args of ‘a’ and returns the args.

Basically, log info about whatever it wraps, but returns it so it can continue to be callled.

Parameters:args (tuple) – The args to pass through to whatever is wrapped

Returns: (tuple): The args that were passed in.


Call this to setup a default logging setup in a script or apps __main__

This will create a root logger with some default handlers, as well as a logger for ‘name’ if provided.

Parameters:name – (str): If provided, create a logging.Logger with this name

Fetch the env var by name

alogging.logger.get_class_logger(obj, depth=2)[source]

Use to get a logger with name equiv to module.Class

in a regular class __init__, use like:

self.log = alogging.get_class_logger(self)

In a metaclass __new__, use like:

log = alogging.get_class_logger(cls)
alogging.logger.get_class_logger_name(obj, depth=None)[source]

Use to get a logger name equiv to module.Class

alogging.logger.get_logger(name=None, depth=2)[source]

Use to get a logger with name of callers __name__

Can be used in place of:

import logging log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

That can be replaced with

import alogging log = alogging.get_logger()
  • name (str) – Optional logger name to use to override the default one chosen automatically.
  • depth (int) – Optional depth of stack to influence where get_logger looks to automatically choose a logger name. Default is 2.

A logger

Return type:



Get stack size for caller’s frame.

alogging.logger.module_setup(name=None, use_root_logger=False)[source]

Call this to setup a default log setup from a library or module.

ie, where the app itself may be setting up handlers, root logger, etc

alogging.logger.setup(name=None, stream_handler=None, file_handler=None, use_root_logger=False)[source]
alogging.logger.setup_root_logger(root_level=None, handlers=None)[source]

Decorate a callable (class or method) and log it’s args and return values

The loggers created and used should reflect where the object is defined/used.

ie, ‘’ for calling ‘total’ method on an instance of mycode.utils.math.Summer